Tibetan book of the deads teachings the gold scales. Padmasambhava was not a traditional buddhist he also brought with him a lot of esoteric tantric teachings from other traditions and now tibetan buddhism as we now know it is a mixture of traditional buddhism, hindu tantric teachings and the bon tradition which was native to. Secret doctrines of the tibetan book of dead by detlef. Unlocking the secrets of the tibetan book of the dead. The tibetan book of the dead s author is padmasambhava. The tibetan books of the dead are a diverse collection of buddhist scriptures that yield valuable insight into the psychology of death and dying and suggest the importance of meditative practice and knowledge as tools for selfunderstanding. Secret teachings of the tibetan book of the dead chinese. The bardo thodol, commonly known in the west as the tibetan book of the dead, is a text from a larger corpus of teachings, the profound dharma of selfliberation through the intention of the peaceful and wrathful ones, revealed by karma lingpa. Presented on february 14, 2019 the tibetan book of the dead bardo thodol is traditionally believed to be the work of the legendary padma. The assorted sayings below are from the tibetan book of the dead, much as translated by lama kazi dawasamdup 18681922 and edited. Its full title is the tibetan book of the dead or the afterdeath experiences on. It is among the most famous works of buddhist literature. I have been initiated into the secret highest yoga tantra tradition of.
Liberation in the intermediate state through hearingalso called tibetan book of the dead, in tibetan buddhism, a funerary text that is recited to ease the consciousness of a recently deceased person through death and assist it into a favourable rebirth. Secret doctrines of the tibetan books of the dead 9781570626548. The liberation through hearing during the intermediate state, it is often referred to in the west by the more casual title, tibetan book of the dead, a name which draws a parallel with the ancient egyptian book of the dead, another funerary text. The book of the dead is an ancient egyptian funerary text, used from the beginning of the new kingdom around 1550 bce to around 50 bce. The tibetan books of the dead are a diverse collection of buddhist scriptures that yield valuable insight into the psychology of death and dying and suggest the. The writing is best known as a guide through the intermediate state or bardo between death and rebirth. Secret tibetan book of the dead auricmedia blogmans. Watch secret tibetan book of the dead history channel documentary youtube frank parker burnett jr.
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